In uncertain times like this, we realize once again how mortal we are and it may be a good idea to look at the care of your loved ones after your death and whether adequate provision has been made for the proper execution of your wishes in your will?

I come into daily contact with clients and realize the importance of proper estate planning and the execution of a client’s last wishes and I understand the grief of loved ones when a deceased’s wishes cannot be fulfilled.

Please answer the following questions for yourself:

  • Have I done a proper estate planning this year?
  • Does my estate plan match my current circumstances and do I realize that certain changes in my circumstances may necessitate the amendment of my will, e.g. the change of my marital status, the birth of a child, the death of an heir, etc.
  • Do I have enough cash in my estate to cover the normal expenses and administration costs of an estate and will one day be able to manage my estate without any complications?
  • Is my estate planning favorable as far as Income Tax is concerned?
  • Did I do the necessary to minimize estate duty?
  • How will capital gains tax affect my estate?

If you answered “no” or “I don’t know” to any of these questions, you should definitely have your estate plan evaluated and I would like to kindly request you to send us your existing will for review or to complete the enclosed form and return it to us to enable us to draw up a will in accordance with your unique needs and submit it to you for signature, after which we will provide you with a list of documents that you file with your will, a guideline on what to do and who to contact when a loved one goes away and explain to you the general estate management process.

Each person’s estate planning needs are unique and that is why we offer this service to you with a personal approach that is also objective and confidential and we would like to invite you to think about this today and contact us for an appointment to address this important issue discuss, to ensure that your loved ones’ future is in good hands.


In onseker tye soos hierdie besef ons weereens hoe sterflik ons is en is dit dalk juis nou ‘n goeie idee om weer te kyk na die versorging van u geliefdes na u dood en of daar voldoende voorsiening gemaak is vir die behoorlike uitvoering van u wense in u testament?

Ek kom daagliks in aanraking met kliënte en besef hoe belangrik ‘n behoorlike boedelbeplanning en die uitvoering van ‘n kliënt se laaste wense is en ek verstaan die hartseer van geliefdes wanneer ‘n oorledene se wense nie uitgevoer kan word nie.

Beantwoord gerus vir uself die volgende vrae:

  • Het ek al hierdie jaar ‘n behoorlike boedelbeplanning laat doen?
  • Pas dit by my huidige omstandighede en besef ek dat sekere veranderinge van omstandighede in my lewe die wysiging van my testament noodsaak, soos o.a. die verandering van my huweliksstatus, die geboorte van ‘n kind en die sterfte van ‘n erfgenaam?
  • Het ek genoeg kontant in my boedel om die normale uitgawes en administrasiekostes van ‘n boedel te dek en sal my boedel eendag sonder enige komplikasies beredder kan word?
  • Is my boedelbeplanning gunstig sover dit Inkomstebelasting betref?
  • Het ek die nodige gedoen om boedelbelasting tot ‘n minimum te beperk?
  • Hoe sal kapitaalwinsbelasting my boedel beïnvloed?

Indien u “nee” of “ek weet nie” op enige van hierdie vrae geantwoord het, moet u beslis u boedelplan laat evalueer en wil ek ‘n vriendelike versoek aan u rig om asseblief u bestaande testament aan ons te stuur vir hersiening of om die ingeslote vorm te voltooi en aan ons terug te stuur ten einde ons in staat te stel om ‘n testament ooreenkomstig u unieke behoeftes op te stel en aan u voor te lê vir ondertekening, waarna ons u sal voorsien van ‘n lys van dokumente wat u by u testament kan liasseer, ‘n riglyn oor wat om te doen en wie om te kontak wanneer ‘n geliefde heengaan en die algemene boedelberedderingsproses aan u verduidelik.

Elke persoon se boedelbeplanningsbehoeftes is uniek en juis daarom bied ons hierdie diens aan u met ‘n persoonlike benadering wat ook objektief en vertroulik is en wil ons u uitnooi om vandag nog hieroor te dink en ons te kontak vir ‘n afspraak om hierdie belangrike saak te bespreek, ten einde te verseker dat u geliefdes se toekoms in goeie hande is.